Important dates

20 January 2019ICDAR2019-FGC competition’s website will be online and registration of interest to the competition will be open
20 February 2019
04 March2019
Training set and evaluation tools will be made available on the ICDAR2019-FGC competition’s website
30 March 2019
14 april 2019
Registration to ICDAR2019-FGC competition will be close
23 April 2019Test set will be available on the ICDAR2019-FGC competition’s website
01 May 2019 Deadline for participants to submit the results and the description of their methods:
a. Maximum 1 A4 page detailed description
b. Maximum 200 words short description for competition report
c. Maximum 100 words brief description for competition’s website
September 20 – 25, 2019Results of ICDAR2019-FGC will be presented during the 15th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition in Sydney